MANUAL “ENERGY TAPING® Energy innovation by the application of Physio Kin”

SKU: 500217

MANUAL “ENERGY TAPING® Energy innovation by the application of Physio Kin”


Energy Taping® is a cross between two virtuous paths that have been able to compete in the sign of the “tape” to invent a new way to health, a meeting between Milco Ciampoli, physiotherapist and long-time teacher and Maurizio Bastini, shiatsu operator and teacher. The content of the manual is based on the passionate human and work experience of the two professionals who have been dealing to restore the state of well-being and health of the person: a continuous research, comparison, share of visions and opportunities. The volume presents the general elements of the methodology and a first part of the practical work in order to illustrate in a simple manner and with the use of a detailed photographic appendix (over 300 photographic illustrations) the different cases and the practise of their respective techniques. 

It is a great instrument for all professionals: doctors, rehabilitation therapists, nurses, acupuncturists, shiatsu operators, operators of Tuina and micro-Chinese massage, experts and novices.

Authors: Maurizio Bastini and Milco Ciampoli 
Texts and Introduction: Chiara Bertazzolo 
Photos: color
Pages: 120
Size: cm 29,7×21 h 
Language: italian


Peso: N/A
Dimensioni: cm 29,7 x 21 h

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